Soggy Bottom Girls
Soggy Bottom Girls
Y'all need Cinnamon! - Baking with Botanicals? (S14-Ep6)
A botanical week challenges the bakers to make spiced buns in the signature. Lisa and Allison discuss the overall lack of a botanical presence, and how most bakers seemed to rely just on cinnamon. One baker uses saffron and the girls discuss their anecdotal experiences with it in their own kitchens. A lemon thyme drizzle cake technical inspires more home baking stories and preferences from Lisa.
The bakers are challenged to create a floral dessert as a show stopper. Allison remarks on the similarities between the cake topping jelly art, and the glass encased roses at the grocery store. Baker Christy's tears over her ganache mold inspires the girls to discuss emotions historically in the tent. Dana creates a much appreciated isomalt botanical box, but its not enough to save her from elimination. Botanical week!
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